How our beauty ended up with a blender.

Our beauty arrived in this world on November 11, 2011.  She had an extra twenty first chromosome, and some of the other medical things that can go along with that.  She plugged along nicely through her first heart surgery, until she got a virus.  After being on a vent for a little over nine weeks, she had completely lost her ability to suck or swallow.
She got a g-tube on July 10, 2012.  While there were aspects of it that made life easier, she was projectile vomiting anywhere from 2-20 times a day.  She was growing though, so no doctors were overly concerned.
However, I, was about to lose my mind.  I spent all day every day: doing laundry, cleaning up the floor, trying to catch puke, sprinting if she puked in bed for fear of aspiration, pushing a feeding pump around our house because I would have to stop her feeds so often that she was hooked to it for most of the day.
I started half-jokingly offering to write doctors large checks if they could just stop her puking.  We tried different formulas, different reflux meds, different positions, slowing down feeds, a medicine to help with gastric emptying.  Nothing made a difference.  She puked on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.  She tolerated feeds while sleeping.  She did better laying down than sitting up.  None of it added up to reflux.  It wasn't an allergy.  My kid just puked all the time.
And like most desperate parents, ready to lose their mind, I began scouring the internet.  I stumbled upon a 'blenderized food for tubies' page on Facebook.  I poured over entries discussing how this diet had changed people's lives.
I e-mailed blendtec about their blenders, got one, and as soon as my beauty turned one, I switched her to real food.  She stopped puking.  Immediately.  Her constipation was no longer an issue.  She began rolling for the first time within two days.  Her muscle tone improved.  Her coloring improved.  She came off of oxygen.  She began growing in a very normal pattern.  She tolerated higher volumes of food.  I could push her food in over a ten minute time period.  She came off of her reflux meds completely.
Perhaps some of these things are in no way linked to the diet.  But, at very least, I was no longer dealing with puke.  And that alone was enough to make me want to take this new blender out for a steak dinner (which, by the way, it is completely capable of pulverizing into a liquid that can be pushed through my daughter's tube).
This, is how, our beauty, ended up with a blender.

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