Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I have written a post already about things that can add calories to a blend without adding much volume.  There are tons of options.  The list I posted is by no means extensive.  I'm certain there are tons of things I have missed on it.  We aren't really in need of extra calories anymore here.
I, however, am a medical nerd.  I read medical journals, drug trials, and nutrition information about my children's diagnoses.  If I meet another family, I research their child's diagnoses.  I just want to understand things.  In all honesty, it gives me some illusion of control, that I don't have at all.
In my research for the blenderized diet I came across an article written by doctors at the University of Cincinnati  and Cincinnati Children's Hospital.  They were specifically looking at the effects of the b.d. on children with a fundoplication.  After reading this though, I researched a little more for recipes for a blenderized diet.  I talked to a few other people.  I was sort of shocked by what I heard.
In order to increase calories people are being given recipes that add sugar, corn starch, or corn syrup.  I can't quite understand why there is need to add three tablespoons of sugar to a blend, aside from increasing calories.  There are so many other ways to increase calories, that are much healthier.
I have a desire to make tube feeding much less medical.  While a g-tube is a medical device, my daughter's eating is not a mathematical and medical formula that needs broken down and figured out.  Once again, I am aware that some children have things that require a very specific diet.  Lots of families though, are being told exactly what they can and can't feed their child, only because they have a g-tube.
If you would not use sugar, corn starch, or corn syrup to increase calories or fat in a typical child's diet (and I almost guarantee that a doctor would not tell you to use these to increase calories) then it is not necessary to use it for a b.d.  I want to empower you, if you are using a recipe with one of these things, to try something else.  Look around.  You CAN feed your child enough calories, with healthy foods.  You don't have to use fillers.  Remember, when someone feeds their typical child, they do not sit at each meal making it a stressful math equation.  They offer them balanced meals.  The child then chooses to only eat cheese for three days.  When you are feeding your tubie, you get to offer them a well balanced meal, and they will get all of it.  They get much less choice.  My seventeen month old eats much healthier than any of her peers.

Have you ever used these fillers?  Did they work well for you?

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